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Polite notice

If you put up posters around the village to advertise an event or for another purpose, the Parish Council would appreciate it if you could remove your posters after the event date has passed.
Old posters become tatty and become an eyesore, spoiling our village.

Parish Elections 1st May 2025

There will be elections for all 7 seats on Stanwick Parish Council on 1st May 2025.

Nomination papers are now available and completed forms must be with North Northants Council by 2nd April. They cannot be submitted via email.

Please see the Election Notice below for details.

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

The latest newsletter from the Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner can be downloaded and read here


Leaders Update #93

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Leaders Update #92

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Highways Monthly Report Dec 2024

The link below will take you to a report from Kier/Highways

Leader's Update #91

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

"Greener Works" in Stanwick

The Parish Council delighted to welcome 'Greener Works' to Stanwick for their 6 week course, starting 9th January.
For young people not in education, work or training and individuals seeking a career change or re-entry to the workforce
Course Highlights
Practical Outdoor and Classroom Workshops:
Design and create community projects
One-to-One Support:
Personalised guidance throughout
Community Impact: Gain green skills and confidence to drive change
Funding for this has been secured by Northamptonshire ACRE, who the parish council has been a member of for many years, and is being delivered by them too.
If you see them on a Thursday, walking around the village, please give them a friendly Stanwick 'hello'.

Leaders Update#90

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership

The inaugural edition of the quarterly newsletter designed to keep you updated on the work of Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership (NSVPP) is available to read via this link to their 'sway' page.

NSVPP Quarterly News


Leaders Update #89

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Refurbishment at Stanwick Recreation Ground

The Parish Council is looking for community support for its plans to apply for a grant to Awards for All for a proposal for works at the recreation ground.

The plan is to secure a grant to cover the full costs, meaning there is no direct cost to you, the resident.

The plans include adding a ‘rest stop’ in the corner, behind the basketball court

To top up the gravel in the car park and replace the bollards.

To install reflective bollards along the edge of the rec on Arris Lane to assist people walking to and from Mallows Grange.

And to enhance biodiversity on the bank by introducing evergreen shrubs etc.

Please like our post on Facebook to show your support for our grant application or register your support in the Parish Office or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

The latest newsletter from the Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner can be downloaded and read here

Leaders Update #87 & #88


The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below


OPFCC Precept and Plan Consultation

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has today launched an online consultation on her draft police, fire and crime plan, which sets the blueprint for police and fire services in Northamptonshire

Both a copy of the plan and the link to the survey can be found on the OPFCC website, here on this next link Precept and Plan Consultation - Northamptonshire Police & Fire Commissioner


Leaders Update #86

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

The latest newsletter from the Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner can be downloaded and read here


Leaders Update #85

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be downloaded and read via the link below

Leaders Update #84

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Wild flower consultation

The Parish Council has delivered a consultation to all homes at Mallows Grange regarding proposals to introduce wild flower beds at 3 locations.

Whilst the consultation is primarily aimed that those residents, any one can respond. An address must be provided for your response to be included in the consultation results.

The link below is the consultation document issued.

Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

The latest newsletter from the Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner can be downloaded and read here

Leaders Update #83

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


Leaders Update #82

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Leaders Update #81

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Highways: Monthly Report

The monthly highlight report produced by Kier Transportation can be downloaded and read here:

Leaders Update #80

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

The latest newsletter from the Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner, the first from the new PFCC can be downloaded and read here


Double Yellow Lines

Should we join up the double yellow lines on Church Street in front of the Church?

The Parish Council has received a request from Northants Parking Enforcement that double yellow lines are considered on Church Street, between the main gate of the Church and the steps on the eastern side of the church grounds to join up the double yellow lines on that side of the road. This would allow them to ticket drivers that park on the path.

The Northants Highways Liaison advised via email that official funeral vehicles and official wedding vehicles would be exempt from the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) providing the driver remained with the vehicle.

Before the Parish Council makes a decision on whether to request that double yellow lines are installed, it would like to consider the views of residents and businesses that will be most directly affected. A letter has been delivered to the premises most likely to be affected. If you are not within the consultation area but would like to respond, please down load the consultation reply form below:

A consultation will run until 6th September.

We would be grateful if you could complete and return the response sheet by the 6th September 2024.

This can be via email, delivered to the above address or dropped off at the village hall. The Parish Office, in the village hall, is open most weekday mornings, or it can be lid under the door of the office.

What should Northants Police prioritize?

Please complete this surveys so the local police team know what to prioritise.

Locally Identified Priorities Survey 2023/2024 (


Leaders update #79

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


Stanwick Diary Dates Newsletter

The Parish Council would like to produce a Stanwick Diary Dates newsletter. This will be delivered to every home in the village and copies will be available to pick up at key locations.

This should be a great opportunity to tell everyone what is going on. The second edition is expected to be issued in the new year.

An email has been sent to village groups and orangisations, giving information on how to be included. If your group hasn't received an email, please let Jenny, the Clerk know.

The first edition should be landing on your door mat in September 2024

Leaders Update #78

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

NNC Leaders Update #77

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


You said, We did

In December Northants Police set three local priorities.

Road Safety 

Drug dealing and drug misuse


These were based on what local people told them concerned them most in their neighbourhood, as well as local crime statistics and information from their partners (such as the local council).

These priorities have been the focus of much of their work over the last three months and below is an update about some of the work they have been doing to tackle them.


The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

What's Happening Stanwick?

18th April 2024   7pm to 9pm  at Stanwick Village Hall

All welcome Free event

Table Tennis have-a-go

Indoor Bowls have-a-go

7pm Open & welcome by Parish Council Chairman

Refreshments available: wine and soft drinks

Have-a-go open

        Chat with local groups

        Answer key questions about the future of Stanwick

7.30pm 5 minute performance by Stanwick Handbells

7.35pm Presentation by Stanwick Pocket Park

7.40pm Presentation by the Badminton Group

7.45pm Presentation by Stanwick Christmas Lights Group

7.50pm Presentation by Stanwick Race Group

7.55pm 5 minute performance by Stanwick Handbells

8 pm  Presentation by Stanwick Bowls Club

8.05pm  Presentation by Stanwick Community Garden

8.10pm Presentation by Stanwick Pre-school

8.15pm Presentation by Stanwick Village Hall Trust

8.20pm Any items of business put forward by members of the Electorate

8.25pm to 9pm Refreshments, have-a-go, find out what is happening

Stanwick Annual Parish Meeting


The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here



The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


Newsletter 2024 Full

The full newsletter can be downloaded and read from the file below


The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

NNC Leaders update #68

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

NNC Leaders update #67

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


The latest newsletter can be read and downloaded below

NCC Leaders update #65

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Police & Fire funding consultation

Have your say in the funding consultation launched by Stephen Mold, Police Commissioner. The link below will take to the website:

Have your say - consultation on council tax precept for police and fire next year is launched - Northamptonshire Police & Fire Commissioner (


NCC Leaders Update #64

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here


ALL incidents of vandalism or anti-social behaviour should be reported to the Police (even if you think nothing will come of it in your case).

The Police deploy their officers according to the information they have. The more reports of incidents, the more coverage Stanwick will receive.

Reports can be made online via the police website

There is a blue button on the home page 'Report'.

You can give crime information anonymously via the UK charity Crime Stoppers

Their website has an anonymous online form on the home page, or you can call 0800 555 111

High Street Double Yellow Line Proposal

The Parish Council has received a request that double yellow lines are considered on High Street

Whilst Stanwick Parish Council is not the Highway Authority, and cannot undertake any work itself, it can petition the Northants Highways to take action.

The area is the narrowest section of High Street and there has been an increasing number of incidents of the road being blocked by cars parked on both sides of the road and vehicles not able to pass through.

Before the Parish Council makes a decision on whether to request that double yellow lines are installed, it would like to consider the views of residents that will be most directly affected.

If you do not live in the immediate area of the consultation but would still like to have your say, please write to or email the Parish Council. All comments must provide an address to be taken into consideration.

The closing date for comment is 16th December 2023

High street

Samuels Close Double Yellow Line Proposal

In August 2023 a consultation letter was hand delivered to properties on Samuels Close and West Street to seek views of the possibility of adding double yellow lines to the junction of the two roads in the interests of public safety.

The consultation was open to all residents, with details given on the notice board, the Parish Council website and on Facebook.

All additional comments have been put together in an single anonymised report that is available to view on the Parish Council website with the agenda papers for 21st September 2023.

At the September Parish Council meeting, it was decided to forwarded the report to Northants Highways for their opinion. Northants Highways have suggested an extension to the double yellow lines to a  limited extent.

On this basis, the Parish Council will be submitting a formal application to Northants Highways for the introduction of double yellow lines. We have been advised that this can take up to 18 months to process.


NCC Leaders Update # 63

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


Please use our contact form.

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