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Stanwick Neighbourhood Plan

On 17th July 2017 East Northamptonshire Council 'made' the Stanwick Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016-2031. This means that they had adopted the Plan and that the local planning authority and planning inspectors considering planning applications or appeals must make their decisions in accordance with the policies of the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Key statutory supporting documents such as screening reports and statutory notices are included in the Basic Conditions Statement that can be downloaded below.

In March 2014 there was an initial public meeting in Stanwick Primary School Hall to gauge level of interest and support for a Stanwick Neighbourhood Plan and the process culminated in a Referendum on 29th June 2017 with 759 votes supporting the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan and 20 votes not supporting the Plan.

As part of work to write the Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Steering Group referred to both existing policies of other authorities and undertook the creation of Stanwick specific reports. These are listed below as the 'evidence base'.  Please note that that the policies produced by other authorities may have been subsequently updated or replaced. The documents made available here are the versions that were available to the steering group.

Neighbourhood Plan Documents

Evidence Base

1. Documents produced by the Steering Group as part of the Plan process

2. Higher level planning policies referenced by the Steering Group when preparing the Plan

3. Documents produced by other authorities referenced by the steering group when preparing the plan

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


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