In August 2023 a consultation letter was hand delivered to properties on Samuels Close and West Street to seek views of the possibility of adding double yellow lines to the junction of the two roads in the interests of public safety.
The consultation was open to all residents, with details given on the notice board, the Parish Council website and on Facebook.
All additional comments have been put together in an single anonymised report that is available to view on the Parish Council website with the agenda papers for 21st September 2023.
At the September Parish Council meeting, it was decided to forwarded the report to Northants Highways for their opinion. Northants Highways have suggested an extension to the double yellow lines to a limited extent.
On this basis, the Parish Council will be submitting a formal application to Northants Highways for the introduction of double yellow lines. We have been advised that this can take up to 18 months to process.