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Stanwick Diary Dates Newsletter

The Parish Council would like to produce a Stanwick Diary Dates newsletter. This will be delivered to every home in the village and copies will be available to pick up at key locations.

This should be a great opportunity to tell everyone what is going on. The second edition is expected to be issued in the new year.

An email has been sent to village groups and orangisations, giving information on how to be included. If your group hasn't received an email, please let Jenny, the Clerk know.

The first edition should be landing on your door mat in September 2024

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


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