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Stanwick Roundabout

Take this opportunity to tell North Northants Council if you want a safe crossing point over the A45 to and from Stanwick Lakes.
Respond to their Greenway Consultation.
In the response section on 'routes' there is an option to select 'missing route' and the opportunity to add in your suggestion, There is also an option at the end of the questionnaire to add any other comments.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the survey.
The Consultation closes 1st November 2023
If you feel that there should be a safer crossing point - this is your chance to make your collective voices heard.

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


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