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Polite notice

If you put up posters around the village to advertise an event or for another purpose, the Parish Council would appreciate it if you could remove your posters after the event date has passed.
Old posters become tatty and become an eyesore, spoiling our village.

Age UK Northants Spring Magazine

The link below take you to latest edition of Engage as a 'flippy' (online) version

Engage Spring 2023 - Flip PDF | FlipBuilder



The latest newsletter can be downloaded and read below

Leaders update #46

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Spencer Parade Wall

The contractors that repaired the wall last year have accepted liability for the workmanship and will be carrying out remedial works at their cost in due course.

Annual Newsletter 2023

The full version of our annual newsletter with links to other nformation can be downloded and viewed here.

Police: Local Priorities Survey

The latest round of the survey is now open. Have your say on what they should focus on in our area.


A14 closures

Please see this Highways England letter with details of works that will run until June

Leaders Update #45

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Virgin Media works in Stanwick

We have been notified that Virgin Media will be undertaking work in Stanwick. Please contact Virgin Media for further information

Stanwick Parish Business Directory

It has been brought to our attention that unsolicited emails are being received stating that "To renew the listing and confirm the company's contact details are up-to-date, please use the button below. Alternatively you can cancel the listing. Once the listing is cancelled you will not receive any further renewal reminder emails"

This is a third party website that the Parish Council does not have any connection to or control over.

Leaders Update #44

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Call for discussion items

If you would like to place an item on the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting (20th April 2023) for discussion with your fellow members of the electorate, please notify the parish clerk by 31st March 2023.

In the event that an agenda item is nominated, a formal meeting will be held as part of the Stanwick 'Green Event' on Thursday 20th April 2023 in Stanwick Village Hall 7.00pm to 9.00 pm.

For information:

There is a requirement in law that an Annual Parish Meeting must be held in each parish between 1st March and 1st June each year.

This is not a Parish Council meeting.

If the chair of the Parish Council is present, then this person must chair the Annual Parish Meeting. If this person is not present, there are various rules for appointing a chairman.

The parish meeting has the general power to discuss parish affairs and pass resolutions thereon. Such resolutions are not binding on the Parish Council.

Free Mature Drivers Roadshow – 2nd May 2023

Are you a mature driver (aged 60+)?  Live in Northamptonshire?  Rely on being able to drive?  This FREE roadshow is for you!

Driving is an important part of our everyday life and we (Northamptonshire Safer Roads Alliance (NSRA)) are keen to help to keep mature drivers driving safer for longer.

Our driving ability to drive changes over time for different reasons, especially as we get older. It’s important that we recognise whether and how our driving is changing so we can stay safe and protect both ourselves and those around us.

This Mature Drivers Roadshow is aimed at drivers 60+, and will cover all different aspects of driving. There will be a short talk and then plenty of time to meet informally with our many stand holders. Free advice will be available on car adaptions, eyesight, how your prescription medications may affect you, and much more.

There will be FREE IAM RoadSmart Mature Driver Assessments available to be booked.

Our aim is to keep mature drivers driving safer, for longer.

Book your Free tickets via Eventbrite:

The event is being held at Police Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton NN4 0JQ ( with two sessions, 9.30am and 1.00pm.

Local priorities for East Northants – You Said, We Did

This is the report from our local policing team on how they have responded to locally identified priorities.

If you have a view on what their priorities should  be, you need to do their short (5 minute) survey and encourage others to do so as well.


Green Strategy web page launched

The Parish Council is proud to launch its green strategy web page. It can be found from the drop down menu. 

Leaders Update #43

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Council tax and the Precept

The Parish Council is financed by the ‘precept’. It is a ‘national’ local tax that only applies to a specific authority area, for example Stanwick. It is collected by North Northants Council with the other local taxes due, such as council tax, Police Fire & Crime levy.

The precept is collected according to the ‘banding’ of council tax on properties between April and January in 10 monthly installments.

Each year the Parish Council looks at its financial position and sets a budget for the coming year before working out how much the precept as a total figure should be.

The amount of precept in Stanwick has remained at the same level since the financial year 2019-20.

During the current financial year, 2022 to 2023, the Parish Council has incurred significant one off costs including repairs to the church boundary wall (£12,100.00), repairs to the path from Spencer Parade and Mansfield Street (£4214.00), repairs to the safer surfacing under the play equipment at the recreation ground (£4517.00) in addition to our expected costs.

The Parish Council has made the decision to increase the total amount of precept for the coming financial year. We know that with rising inflation everything is costing more and this will increase our ground maintenance costs and repair bills. We know that we are likely to have significant repair bills for the church path. We need to set money aside for future repairs costs.

On paper, the total percentage increase of the precepts looks very large, but in reality taken as an average across all households, it equals approximately £1.30 per house per month extra. It should be acknowledged that the Stanwick precept has not increased for the past four tax years and this increase is also, in part, due to the fact the level has been held down since 2019.

Any person having difficulty with making their council tax payments should speak to North Northants Council as the Parish Council is not involved in collecting the money due.

Vandalism of Jubilee Tree

Vandals have ripped the branches from the Queen's Cherry Tree.

This has been reported to the Police. It is thought to have happened during the evening/night of 4th Feb. If anyone has any information, cctv or dashcam footage, please email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The tree is located at the junction of East Street and The Avenue.

Dog poo at Stanwick Pocket Park

Stanwick Pocket Park on Raunds Road is a community managed park, looked after by volunteers.
No one is paid to care for the park or to clean up after others.
Please do not leave bags of dog poo on site - there is a bin by the bus stop the bags can go into or a dog bin at the entrance to Mallows Grange.
Leaving bags of dog poo is unnecessary, unsightly, environmentally damaging and a health hazard.
Thank you for clearing up after your dog and taking away the bag.

Police survey: tell them what you want

Northants Police want to know about the issues that matter most to you in the area where you live and work by completing a short survey. The information you give them will help identify the local neighbourhood policing priorities for area. 

They would like to know about any crime or anti-social behaviour that is causing you concern and if there is anything specific you would like them to focus on. They would also like to know how safe you feel when out and about in your neighbourhood and whether you think the police are doing a good job at tackling local crime and disorder.

The survey takes just a few minutes and they would really appreciate you taking the time share your views. The more feedback they get, the better they can understand what the issues are for local people.

Northamptonshire Police: Locally Identified Priorities Survey (


Leaders Update #42

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Civility & Respect Pledge


Stanwick Parish Council has signed the Civility and Respect Pledge demonstrating that our council is committed to treating councillors, clerks, employees, members of the public representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.

Police Fire & Crime Commissioner- Jan 2023 newsletter

The latest news letter can be read here

Stanwick Day 8th May 2023

Save the date Monday 8th May 2023

On the bank holiday for King Charles's coronation we are arranging Stanwick Day. If you or your group would like to be involved, please let us know.

More details to follow

We are keen to hear if you are arranging a street party.

Leaders Update #41

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Parish.UK Network

Stanwick Parish Council is not partnered with this website and has not requested to be involved. It is a third party site that we do not have any control over.

The site offers the opportunity for members of the public to make donations to Stanwick Parish Council. We have NOT provided them with our bank information and strongly recommend that no person tries to make a donation. The Parish Council does not solict general donations from members of the public.

Leaders Update #40

The latest update from the leader of North Northants Council, Jason Smithers, can be read here

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


Please use our contact form.

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