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Double Yellow Lines

Should we join up the double yellow lines on Church Street in front of the Church?

The Parish Council has received a request from Northants Parking Enforcement that double yellow lines are considered on Church Street, between the main gate of the Church and the steps on the eastern side of the church grounds to join up the double yellow lines on that side of the road. This would allow them to ticket drivers that park on the path.

The Northants Highways Liaison advised via email that official funeral vehicles and official wedding vehicles would be exempt from the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) providing the driver remained with the vehicle.

Before the Parish Council makes a decision on whether to request that double yellow lines are installed, it would like to consider the views of residents and businesses that will be most directly affected. A letter has been delivered to the premises most likely to be affected. If you are not within the consultation area but would like to respond, please down load the consultation reply form below:

A consultation will run until 6th September.

We would be grateful if you could complete and return the response sheet by the 6th September 2024.

This can be via email, delivered to the above address or dropped off at the village hall. The Parish Office, in the village hall, is open most weekday mornings, or it can be lid under the door of the office.

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


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