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Green Strategy

The Parish Council is very aware of the Climate Emergency that we are all facing and is looking to do its own small part to tackle it.

We are developing a ‘green strategy’ to guide the Parish Council towards being as sustainable as possible in our own activities a

This will be achieved through our own policies, by looking at what we can influence locally to improve our ‘carbon’ status, through representations at county and national level and by sharing ideas with members of our parish on small changes individuals can make that may benefit us all and possibly save money along the way.

We have developed a Green Strategy to help guide our actions that can be downloaded below.



Climate change refers to the long term shift in the Earth's weather patterns and average temperatures. For the past 250 years, humans have contributed to the increased release of carbon dioxide, alongside other greenhouse gases, which causes an increase in global temperatures


The ‘Place–based carbon calculator’ team have used available data sets to create a map of England to show for each parish or area the total carbon footprint per person in units of kilogrammes of carbon dioxide equivalent. The total is calculated from the data available to them and divided by the known population to give a per person amount. However, this tool cannot give an accurate household calculation and there may be significant variations between neighbours.

Stanwick is graded with a D- which is below the national average. The score of C- is above the national average.

The Committee on Climate Change's 6th Carbon Budget, covering 2032 to 2037 has set a target for all of us that is set below our current carbon output to get us on track for carbon neutral in 2050.

The reality is that we in Stanwick live in a village and are dependent on cars to get to work, shops and other services. This is probably why we score an ‘F’ on car driving.

The Centre for Sustainable Energy working with Exeter University has also has an online tool to calculate Carbon Footprints. The tool, Impact, has been used to generate this report (prepared February 2023).


Before recycling we should aim to REDUCE the amount we use

And then RE USE it before

RECYCLING wherever possible

We will collate a list of where items can be recycled, beyond the road side collections, to reduce what is going into landfill.

We will be looking at the land we are responsible for to see if it can be managed in a better way to achieve small wins for the environment.

We will look to host community events to share advice and options.

We will add links from this page to other websites that may help you.

There is a government website with suggestions on how to save energy through home improvements and a link to a page to find out if your property is eligible for 'Help to Heat' funding.

Anglian Water have produced a 'savvy garden calendar' that can be downloaded below

The United Nations have a Lazy Persons Guide to Saving the World that includes things you can do from your sofa to things you can do at work.

Oundle Waste Less (Transition Oundle) is an inspiring community group that demonstrates what local people can do. They have a website and Facebook page.


The Parish Council welcomes constructive ideas and suggestions from everyone. Please get in touch if you think we have missed something.


The Parish Council has made a pledge to the National Tree Charter.

The Tree Charter was launched at Lincoln Castle on 6 November 2017 and set out the principles for a society in which people and trees can stand stronger together. The charter branch network included local (parish and town) councils, schools, community woodland groups, artists and campaigners.

The ten principles are:

  1. Sustain landscapes rich in wildlife
  2. Plant for the future
  3. Celebrate the power of trees to inspire
  4. Grow forests of opportunity and innovation
  5. Protect irreplaceable trees and woods
  6. Plan greener local landscapes
  7. Recover health, hope and wellbeing with the help of trees
  8. Make trees accessible to all
  9. Combat the threats to our habitats
  10. Strengthen our landscapes with trees

Contact Stanwick Parish Council

Serving the community of Stanwick since 2000. Local democracy in action


Clerk:  Ms Jenny Hodgson

29 Hill House Gardens, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, NN9 6QH


01933 625616


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